
Forts game mods
Forts game mods

Upload your mod to the game to test it through the workshop menu inside the game. If you long-press on the white box beneath "paste mod data here", you should get an option to Paste text from the clipboard into it, although this may depend on your OS and which keyboard you're using. On Android and iOS install mods by directly pasting the text of a mod into the popup at Config > Modding > Install Mod. On mobile you'll paste it from the clipboard. On PC you'll be prompted to choose a file (save the above as somefilename.txt). To install this mod: open the Config > Modding menu in the game and press Install Mod. AMB indoors it really good, love the way it looks running through dungeons.Mod_description = Start new cities with 999 food. AMB and VL exteriors are hit or miss for me. Anyone else could theoretically do the same thing, wink wink.I think that is probably everything except a few interiors textures that I haven't got to like stairs or something. Roof of fort (not sure which texture, someone in the know can figure it out)Īnother ranged photo with additional fort in the backgroud Relief around door (looks like two textures to me, but I'm really tired) Interior Wall (impwall01.dds or impwall03.dds) Interior Floor (I'm guessing impfloormuddy01.dds) HRDLC-> SRO-> AMB-> AMB optional (for mods shots outdoors)->VL (no interiors for VL) for all compares. It is Cabal's right as an artist to make his own artistic choices, however I would prefer the quality of AMB with the style of HRDLC. The destroyed forts haven't been destroyed since too long ago. Those forts have been thoughtfully constructed in the near history. The moss and mold has been replaced by sand/dust like stains on the walls. The rocks are more equally shaped, more craftsmanship, time, money and architectural knowledge must've been applicated here. In general AMB makes the forts look "newer" and a lot better maintained just like Solitude. It's pretty much inbetween AMB and HRDLC. SRO makes everything a little smaller and more defined. Some of them have crumbled to ruins over the past 100-1000 years, wheras others still stand.

forts game mods

Those forts are old, possibly built with the help of giants. The forts are covered in lots of mold and moss, which makes them look like they weren't maintained at all for at least a decade.

forts game mods

HRDLC sticks to huge boulders with varying forms as parts of walls, where the rest is filled up with gravellike substance, although the quality isn't high enough to make that certain. Are you certain you put the last 3 images 22,23,24 in the right order?

Forts game mods